Your Fitness Goals

What we do

We Cater to any fitness need

General Fitness

We understand that not everyone who enters our facility aspires to be a bodybuilder, powerlifter or competitive athlete for that matter. For some, exercise is a matter of being healthy and enhancing one’s overall wellbeing. Improve Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility and Body Composition with this exercise program.

Weight Loss

Body re-composition involves more than just losing weight. It includes shedding body fat while gaining muscle or at the very least maintaining it. Mobilize fat through exercise the most efficient way with this program.

Weight Loss

Body re-composition involves more than just losing weight. It includes shedding body fat while gaining muscle or at the very least maintaining it. Mobilize fat through exercise the most efficient way with this program.

Muscle Building

There are a multitude of methods in inducing muscle growth or hypertrophy. The most popular and most effective methods always employ barbells and dumbells as the primary implement of choice. There are numerous ways of manipulating training variables but barbells and dumbells are always included in the equation. The use of barbells and dumbells allows an endless number of exercises that can be executed along with dozens even hundreds of loading protocols. Other forms of resistance training tools like selectorized and plate loaded machines, kettlebells, pulley systems and such will definitely compliment your hypertrophy or muscle growth goals! GROW with this program.

Sports Specific Training

Sports specific training is all about selecting the appropriate exercises and training protocols that will have an actual transfer on the athletes’ performance on the field. Developing physical attributes relevant to the athlete’s sport is the key. Organizing the training program such that recovery and performance is optimized on game day is another crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. Most if not everything that the athlete does during training should equate to transference. Train for your sport and dominate your competition.

Sports Specific Training

Sports specific training is all about selecting the appropriate exercises and training protocols that will have an actual transfer on the athletes’ performance on the field. Developing physical attributes relevant to the athlete’s sport is the key. Organizing the training program such that recovery and performance is optimized on game day is another crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. Most if not everything that the athlete does during training should equate to transference. Train for your sport and dominate your competition.


Powerlifting is a sport that involves three events; the squat, the bench press and the deadlift. Every athlete is given three attempts for each event and the heaviest among the three attempts will be recorded and added for a total. The athlete with the heaviest total wins their division. A powerlifter’s training priorities involves developing proficiency and strength in executing the three events. This involves heavy emphasis on strategic periodization to address relevant anatomical adaptations, development of muscular strength, form efficiency in the squat, bench press and deadlift and optimized performance on meet day. Run this program for a bigger total.

Body Building

Goes beyond being huge and muscular. It is so much more than putting on slabs of muscle or developing six-pack abs. Big is not enough. Lean is not enough. Bodybuilding is about symmetry, proportion and achieving a level of size and conditioning that evokes beauty, flow, power and strength. Although bodybuilding is judged subjectively, the training and nutrition is hard science. Maximizing hypertrophy on specific muscle groups to address weak points and improve the overall flow of the physique while dropping bodyfat towards competition day are the priorities. Address the aesthetic appeal of your physique with this program.

Body Building

Goes beyond being huge and muscular. It is so much more than putting on slabs of muscle or developing six-pack abs. Big is not enough. Lean is not enough. Bodybuilding is about symmetry, proportion and achieving a level of size and conditioning that evokes beauty, flow, power and strength. Although bodybuilding is judged subjectively, the training and nutrition is hard science. Maximizing hypertrophy on specific muscle groups to address weak points and improve the overall flow of the physique while dropping bodyfat towards competition day are the priorities. Address the aesthetic appeal of your physique with this program.


Strongman sports involves lifting, moving or throwing an implement from point A to B. The events may be dynamic (cover a certain distance or area) or static (performed in place). Implements are as random as they come. From boat anchors, sand bags, natural rocks to more conventional implements like logs, frames and dumbells, it’s basically free for all. To be a strongman athlete means developing strength, stamina, endurance and a certain degree of athleticism. Building a solid foundation of strength, incorporating conditioning work and familiarization with the various implements are the key considerations in training for strongman sports. Train to be a strongman.

Principles of Strength

Strength is the ability to produce Force against an external resistance.

Force is what causes the movement

In terms of fitness, exercise and sports performance, getting stronger, among many other concerns, should always be the priority since its effects are far fetching and has a direct influence over most, if not, all aspects of fitness and performance. To illustrate, cardiovascular endurance leads to very specific changes that are short lived. The physical adaptations brought about by strength training (e.g. stronger muscles, improved bone density, thicker connective tissues etc.) are long lasting and has a profound systemic effect. Running, dancing, sports, and other similar activities shouldn’t be the default choice when looking into getting in shape. All of these activities have distinct benefits, however, engaging in strength training has been proven to be more beneficial in terms of general effect.

Why the Barbell?

There are numerous ways and forms of resistance training. However, the barbell still reigns supreme. Why? it allows you to move the most amount of weight over the longest range of motion while stressing the entire system. This systemic stimuli causes more significant adaptation thereby making you stronger faster.

Strength is a PROCESS!

A better and STRONGER version of YOU is underway.